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Pediatric Services at BayCare

BayCare Kids: Health Care that is Exclusively for Kids 

BayCare Kids is committed to keeping children healthy throughout childhood so that they can become healthy adults. And we’ve dedicated an entire network to the unique medical needs of kids - we offer a continuum of care for children that starts before birth and continues through early adulthood.

Patients have access to extensive services at multiple hospitals and outpatient specialty centers, a mobile medical clinic, and other community-based resources, plus a variety of pediatricians and physician specialists. Throughout our network, you’ll find highly trained care teams that specialize in pediatric care as well as the emotional and mental development of children.

St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital is our flagship hospital in Tampa, Florida, and offers comprehensive services exclusively for kids. Our pediatric services are located throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Polk counties in Florida, and we provide pediatric care for the southeastern United States.

We encourage parents and families to participate in their child’s care plan. A variety of educational and support resources are available for parents, caregivers and our communities. BayCare Kids provides the best possible care for children to help them have a healthy future.

Featured Specialties

Our Hospitals That Specialize in Pediatric Care

a mother and her daughter smiling and high fiving a doctor

Pediatric Primary Care

There are several types of doctors that offer pediatric primary care. Learn the difference and find a doctor that’s right for your child. BayCare Medical Group offers more than 75 primary and pediatric care offices throughout Tampa Bay.

Health and Wellness Resources

Break the Stigma

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what your child is thinking or feeling? BayCare Kids and On Our Sleeves give you the resources needed to start meaningful conversations with kids of all ages, breaking down barriers and getting at tough issues to improve their overall mental health.
black and white photo of young boy with on our sleeves stickers against blank backdrop

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