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All of the BayCarePlus plans bundle your hospital, medical, and prescription drug benefits into one plan.
The cardiac catheterization lab at St. Joseph’s Hospital-North is the first in the BayCare system to operate as a dual lab. We perform both cardiac catheterization procedures as well as interventional radiology procedures.
Our staff provides state-of-the-art, comprehensive care. In fact, both techs and nurses in the cath lab have specialized hands-on training in PCI-percutaneous coronary interventions—at least 500 training hours.
Level One Cath Procedures
Our Coronary Interventions programs (PCI) are elective. We are licensed by the ACC in the State of Florida to perform Level One PCIs.
Diagnostic catheters—your doctor will perform an angioplasty and places a stent. We use top of the line stents, including drug-eluting stents in order to prevent further blockages. This means you will have to take medication, and change your eating and exercise habits. Patient education is important to us, and we will spend time helping you understand the changes in your lifestyle necessary to remain healthy.
Trans Radial Access Approach: Advanced Cath Procedure
The majority of the cardiac catheterization procedures that we perform are performed utilizing the trans radial access approach, which threads the catheter through the wrist, instead of the groin. This approach is associated with lower risk of major bleeding complications, increase patient comfort, allow for early ambulation, which shortens recovery time.
We also provide unique patient follow-ups. Our nurses call all patients within 24 hours to see how they are doing and to review the information in the education packet. This packet will include information about diet, exercise and smoking cessation.