Wellness and Safety Classes
BayCare Kids Wellness and Safety Center provides a wide range of safety and wellness education at several convenient hospital locations.
For Parents and Caregivers
These practical, comprehensive classes equip parents and caregivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to protect children.
Car Seat Safety Inspections*
Statistics show that eight out of 10 child safety seats are installed incorrectly. Our certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will teach parents and caregivers of infants through school-age children how to properly use and install child safety seats.
Infant and Child CPR*
A great class for parents, grandparents, teachers and babysitters, this course follows American Heart Association® guidelines for basic infant and child CPR, choking rescue and home safety education.
Safe and Secure Baby
While nothing can quite prepare you for those first weeks of parenthood, there are many practical ways to help ease the transition. This one-stop safety class educates parents on infant and child CPR, car seat safety, and essentials for creating a safe home environment for your infant.
*Also offered in Spanish on a limited basis.
Adolescent Programs
Safe Sitter® (age 11 and up)
“Better Sitters today ... Better Parents tomorrow” is the objective of the national Safe Sitter course. In this one-day class, adolescents learn the responsibilities of a babysitter, safety concerns, injury prevention, business management, appropriate behaviors and activities for children of all ages, choking rescue and how to be successful on the job. This class also includes non-certifying infant and child CPR.
Let’s Talk: Puberty for Girls (ages 9-13)
This introductory class for girls and their parents will discuss the physical and emotional changes of puberty, the female reproductive system, menstrual cycle and feminine hygiene products, and ways to maintain a healthy body. An optional discussion is available on the male changes of puberty and reproductive system, including a discussion about conception and abstinence.
Let’s Talk: Puberty for Boys (ages 10-13)
This introductory class for boys and their parents includes discussion about the physical and emotional changes of puberty, the male reproductive system, and ways to maintain a healthy body. An optional discussion is available on the female changes of puberty and reproductive system, including a discussion about conception and abstinence.
For more information about these programs, call the BayCare Kids Wellness and Safety Center at (813) 615-0589.