Wheelchair Seating and Positioning Clinic

A correctly fitted wheelchair and the right equipment can make all the difference in your child's day-to-day functioning. At the Seating and Positioning Clinic, we evaluate patients and recommend appropriate wheelchairs and specialized, medically necessary seating equipment. Our highly trained therapists work closely with you and your child to provide personalized devices that best address your child's lifestyle and individual needs.


Mobility evaluations are performed to determine the most efficient means of wheelchair mobility. We are able to offer trials of a large variety of wheelchairs and control systems. This allows children to try different configurations of controls while learning to drive a power wheelchair, as well as helping us to evaluate which equipment will provide them with the highest level of function and independence.

Postural evaluations determine flexibility of postural deformities. This evaluation helps us to determine what postural supports are appropriate to address each child's balance and improve posture. Measurements are also taken to ensure that the wheelchair and seating systems fit each child comfortably. 


Funding for mobility equipment changes frequently. Our therapists work with equipment suppliers to obtain the necessary documentation and approval for medically necessary equipment. The Seating Clinic staff will work closely with the equipment suppliers to fit and adjust your child's wheelchair for optimal support and function.


Our services require a referral from a physician and are billed as outpatient physical therapy. Most insurance companies and government payer sources cover these services.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call The Motion Analysis Center, at (813) 870-4242.