Nipple Health

Just like people they come in all shapes, sizes and colors, but these aren’t just for decoration. They might just tweak your interest one day and make you think, is this normal, have they always been that big, or should they stick out? Your nipples can be your first clue to a change in your health.

Nipple discharge: You don’t have to be pregnant or breastfeeding to experience discharge from the nipples. A milky, blueish-green or clear discharge can be seen if the nipple is squeezed; however, if you experience discharge that is bloody or coming from only one breast, you should visit your doctor.

Hair around the nipples: While this might seem like an abnormal occurrence for women, the tiny bumps that can appear around the nipple are actually hair follicles. You are welcome to tend to these hairs by plucking, carefully trimming or waxing. However, recommends that you seek medical attention if these follicles become scaly, itchy or inflamed.

Third nipple is not uncommon: According to Medline Plus, everyone develops nipples in the womb; however, supernumerary nipples (or extra nipples) can develop if the regular formation process isn’t complete. These extra nipples usually form along the milk lines within the body, which go from the armpit through the normal nipples and down to the sides of the groin

Inverted nipples are healthy: On average 10-20% of all women have nipples that stick in instead of pop out. It can occur in one or both breasts, but if the inversion occurs as an adult, then you should speak with your doctor about the recent change. According to Self, most women with inverted nipples can breastfeed normally, but you may need to seek help from a lactation specialist if latching problems persist.

The health of your nipples is just as important as your breasts. Contact your physician if you experience any abnormal discharge, inflammation or color change occurs.