True or Not? Common Myths about Getting Pregnant
You have made the grave mistake of letting all your friends and family know that you and your significant other are ready to start a family. Your auntie, cousin, sister-in-law, grandmother and best friend will now start telling you all the little myths and old wives tales about getting pregnant. Here are a few myths that have been debunked over the years.
A regular cycle makes things easier.
A regular cycle is about 28 days long, but typically varies each month. The state of your cycle can have some effect on your fertility as well. Lighter periods might mean you have lower estrogen levels. Heavier periods means there might not be enough progesterone to balance out the estrogen and painful periods could be a sign of endometriosis. It’s best to consult your doctor with concerns about your cycle.
Getting stressed out doesn’t help
Sort of. While stress may play a role in conceiving, but plenty of women still have babies if they are experiencing chronic stress. Reducing stress as much as possible is better for your body.
You should have your thyroid checked.
This myth is actually true, in fact, its recommended. Having an under-active thyroid may prevent you from getting pregnant.
An overactive thyroid can make things more difficult as well. During your preconception visit, ask your doctor about your thyroid functionality.
You should have intercourse every day.
You might think the more, the better; however, a man with a normal sperm count can actually drive sperm counts down by ejaculating every day. A few days before and a few days after day 14 of your cycle are peak times for fertilization.