What to Expect During Your Second Trimester


The second trimester is known as the “honeymoon period” for a reason—most expecting mothers feel their very best during these 14 weeks. Here’s what to expect.

Symptoms ease up

Now is the time that most of those early pregnancy symptoms should finally give you a much-needed break. If you’ve had morning sickness, it’ll probably be much better (or even go away entirely), making it easier to eat the good, nutritious food that both you and baby need. You’ll likely get a break from the crushing fatigue that left you ready for bed by 6:30 every night, and your breasts will probably feel less sore.

New changes

You may notice some new changes to your body during the second trimester, such as:

  • Larger breasts, with darker (and maybe bumpier) nipples
  • A belly that definitely looks pregnant
  • Changes to your skin, including a dark line down your belly, brown patches on your face and/or stretch marks
  • A stuffy nose, due to swelling of your nasal passages
  • Mild tightening feelings in your abdomen, called Braxton-Hicks contractions (practice for the real thing!)
  • Nighttime leg cramps
  • Gums that bleed more easily and teeth that feel looser
  • Swelling in your ankles and feet
  • Aching pain under your belly, known as round ligament pain
  • Weight gain (an average of one pound per week)
  • Feeling your baby move!

When to call the doctor

If you notice any of these symptoms during your second trimester, you should give your doctor a call:

  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Vaginal discharge with a strong smell, an unusual color, or with itching and burning
  • Vaginal bleeding (more than just a little spotting)
  • Severe belly pain
  • Fever over 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Symptoms of gestational diabetes (extreme thirst, frequent urination, snoring and worsening fatigue)
  • Symptoms of preeclampsia (changes in vision, sudden swelling of face and hands, and sudden weight gain)