Vaccination and Pregnancy

You already know that vaccinations play a vital role in keeping us healthy, but you may be wondering which vaccines are needed during pregnancy, and how safe they are. 

Vaccination safety during pregnancy 

If you are wondering about particular vaccinations and their safety during pregnancy, you should talk to your doctor. But, in general, vaccines that contain an inactive virus are safe. Those made from live viruses should be avoided while you’re pregnant. 

Recommended vaccinations during pregnancy 

Influenza (flu) 

If you will be pregnant during flu season, it’s critical that you get your flu vaccine as early as possible—it’s safe in any trimester. Pregnant women are at greater risk of dangerous flu complications, which could cause serious problems for both you and your baby.  

Though FluMist is a fine choice for most people, because it’s a live vaccine, you shouldn’t get it while pregnant. Opt for the flu shot instead, as it contains the inactive version of the virus. 


The other “biggie” is the Tdap vaccine, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Pertussis (whooping cough) is the main threat, as it can be deadly for infants. Getting yourself and everyone around you vaccinated now (if they are not up to date already) will help prevent the spread of pertussis to your baby when he or she is born. Even better, your baby will have built-in protection at birth from being exposed to your vaccine while in the womb—this is super-important because newborns can’t receive the vaccine themselves. 

The Tdap shot is usually given near the beginning of the third trimester of every pregnancy—so even if you’ve been pregnant and received the vaccine in the last few years, you’ll need to get it again.


There are many questions around the COVID-19 vaccine, even for those who are not pregnant. Pregnant women, new moms, and their babies have a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 compared to those who aren't pregnant. If you're pregnant, you can get a vaccine to help protect you and your baby.

Research shows that vaccines are safe during pregnancy. The CDC, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine recommend that pregnant women be vaccinated against COVID-19. If you decide to get vaccinated, your risk of becoming seriously ill, hospitalized, and risking preterm births is very low.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy, talk with your health care provider.