Reading to Your Bump

Your baby may not be able to interact with you just yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get started with the bonding process. One great way to bond with your little one is by sharing a good book.

Can baby really hear me?

In a few weeks, your baby will start to hear sounds that will become very familiar as the weeks go by: your heartbeat, the whooshing sound of air moving in and out of your lungs, your growling tummy. By about week 23, she’ll be able to hear noises coming from the outside, including voices.

Though your baby will know your voice well by the time she’s born, just from your interactions with others, sitting down and reading a book to your bump gives you a chance to focus on your little one and build a new kind of connection. Your partner and older children can get involved, too, giving baby an opportunity to learn the voices of all the important people in her life.

What kinds of books are best?

It’s the sound of your voice, rather than the words you read, that really matters. Choosing books with rhyming lines and rhythmic patterns can help you get into the groove of reading aloud, but it’s fine if you want to read the latest crime caper or mystery novel, too.

The benefits last forever

When your baby finally arrives, it’ll be vitally important that you spend lots of time reading together. Getting into the routine now will help make sure that reading becomes an everyday habit.

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