Buying maternity clothes and extending the life of current clothing


Now that you’re heading into your second trimester, you may be finding your regular clothes just a bit too snug. But, while some moms-to-be might find it exciting to go shopping for a brand-new wardrobe, for some of us, it’s an unwanted hassle and expense. Here’s how to make the most of what you already have.

Hacks for stretching your wardrobe just a bit longer

To be clear, you probably have some clothes that just aren’t going to cut it, now or (possibly) even a year from now. But, with just a few smart tricks, you can make a few favorite items last.

Jeans and pants

For pants with buttons and zippers, your best bet is to leave the fly undone. You can purchase a belly band (also known as a maternity band) to hold them up, and it will look just like a cute little camisole peeking out from under your top. These bands also feel really nice as your belly grows, because they offer a bit more support.


Any tops that have a little stretch should be good to go for a while. If they get too short, see the above tip for belly bands, which will help keep your growing bump from playing peek-a-boo.


Leggings are your friend. If you have some, keep on wearing ‘em. You can just let your belly hang over the elastic waistband. If you don’t have any, do yourself a favor and buy some—either maternity or regular. These will seriously be your go-to pants most days, even after baby is born.

Must buys

You’ll have to pick up a few new things as your pregnancy goes on. Possibly the most important are some good-fitting bras. As your breasts grow, your current bras may not fit—or they simply may not be supportive enough.

Other than that, if you can pick up just a few new tops to wear with the pants and leggings you already have, you might be surprised how far that will get you. But, by all means, if you have the extra time and cash to spend on a whole new wardrobe—don’t let us stop you!

Learn more at our BayCare Maternity page.