Doing Your Part to Protect Yourself and Others at the Doctor’s Office

A physician examines a patient, and both are wearing masks.While the coronavirus is still circulating in our communities, many of us need to visit our health care providers for other reasons—and you may be worried about your own safety. Let’s look at some ways to protect yourself and others from potential exposure to COVID-19.

Masks are our friends

While wearing a mask might seem like a personal decision, the point of covering our faces is to protect other people from germs we might not even know we have. That’s why, in any public setting, it’s a great idea for everyone, sick or not, to wear a mask.

Clean hands save lives

Even though medical staff are working hard to keep all surfaces cleaned and disinfected, you might consider carrying a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you. Cleaning your hands before and after handling high-touch items like chairs, counters, pens and door handles will help keep everyone safer.

Personal space is key

Just like anywhere else in public, try to keep six feet of space between yourself and other patients in hallways, waiting rooms and restrooms.

Limit your time

If possible, fill out any paperwork online, or print it out and complete it at home before you arrive at the office. Let the office staff know of any changes to your contact information or insurance plan over the phone.

Call ahead

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, call your doctor’s office ahead of time and ask if it’s okay for you to come into the office. They may prefer to offer a telehealth appointment to ensure the safety of all involved.

You should also feel free to call before your appointment to check on any additional safety precautions you should know about. In some cases, you may be asked to check in via phone or text, and then wait in your vehicle until time for your appointment.


In addition, you can speak to a provider 24/7 through the BayCareAnywhere telemedicine app. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or a computer with a webcam.