After Wrist Arthroscopy

After surgery, your joint may be swollen, painful, and stiff. Recovery times vary, depending on what was done. Your surgeon will tell you when to resume activity. Avoid gripping objects tightly or lifting. You may wear a bandage, splint, or cast for some time.


At Home

Follow your surgeon’s guidelines for healing:

  • Elevate and ice your wrist to reduce swelling.

  • Wear your wrist dressing to let the joint heal.

  • When you shower, cover your wrist with plastic to keep it dry.

  • Take pain medication as directed.


The checklist below helps remind you what to do after arthroscopy.

Image Schedule your first follow-up visit for 5 days after surgery.

Image Take care of your incision and bathe as directed.

Image Complete your physical therapy program.

Image You can do these activities right away:
