Post Baby Fitness and Wellness Tips

A mom sits on a large exercise ball while holding her baby.Between the late night feedings and the mound of diapers, you might have time to brush your teeth and put on a semi-clean shirt. Then comes the moment when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or try to squeeze into those pre-pregnancy jeans. The cute little baby bump that you flaunted in maternity photos is not so cute anymore. It’s time to get back in the game, but be realistic about it. Deadlifting twice your body weight before your pregnancy does not mean you can take it on now.

You might want to start small and with something you can control. A healthy diet is something that will not only help you, but help your baby as well. If you are caring for an infant around the clock, chances are you are burning a ton of calories (more if you are breastfeeding) and you will feel the munchies come on at all hours of the night. Try stocking the fridge with some healthy snacks like carrots and hummus, yogurt and granola, avocado and high protein meat and poultry for larger meals.

Once you and baby have gotten into a more structure routine, you might find yourself with a little spare time. Again, start small and be realistic with your expectations. Small things like standing on one foot while you brush your teeth or wash dishes could help reestablish those core muscles. Be less efficient, get more steps. Take one item out of the grocery bag and put it away, come back for the next item. Fold one article of clothing and walk it to the drawer, walk back for the next one. Finally, use the time you have with your baby to crank out a few calories.

For instance:

  • Take a long walk
  • Go to a mommy and me swim class
  • Bench press your baby during tummy time

There are a variety of easy things you can do, in the home, and without sacrificing time with your new bundle of joy.

Learn more about post-partum care for you and your baby at