Go Easy on the Extras During the Holidays

The holiday season is here, along with the large servings of favorites like turkey, gravy, ham, casseroles and pies. Even though the table might be packed with tempting treats, it’s possible to avoid overeating at festive gatherings with family and friends. You can enjoy yourself at holiday meals if you watch your portion sizes and only eat until you’re full.

Tip Your Plate the Right Way

Here are a few tips from the Mayo Clinic, the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help you make healthy choices during the holidays:

  • Don’t skip your regular meals prior to a big holiday feast. This will keep you from overeating.
  • Eat smaller portions. A Mayo Clinic dietitian recommends dividing up your plate like this: half the plate filled with fruit, colorful vegetables and a whole-wheat roll; one quarter with sweet or mashed potatoes; and one quarter with ham or turkey.
  • Go easy on the gravy, which could contain excess calories, fat and sodium. Limit yourself to one tablespoon.
  • Sample one or two desserts instead of full servings.
  • Drink water instead of drinks sweetened with sugar.
  • Eat slowly and enjoy every bite of food.
  • When you start getting full, slow down and stop eating.
A holiday feast with turkey, meat dishes, vegetables and other side dishes