Marsha Watkins, CNM, ARNP

Women's Center, Turley Family Health Center

Nursing Degrees

Bachelor of Nursing, University of North Carolina
Greensboro, NC
Masters of Nursing, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL

Nurse Midwifery Certification

University of Florida
Jacksonville, FL

After Marsha graduated with her bachelor's degree, she worked in many areas of nursing in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. After completing her midwifery education, she worked in Jacksonville and Tampa prior to joining Morton Plant Hospital. The majority of her career has been spent in hospitals affiliated with medical schools and residency education.

Marsha's avocation is massage therapy. She received a license in massage therapy in 1999. Massage is healing for both herself and her clients. The areas that most interest Marsha include lomilomi (Hawaiian massage), relaxation massage, prenatal massage and newborn massage. She feels that what could be better than to be one-on-one with another individual without interruption while listening to quiet music and focusing totally on the healing process? (Well, other than being present at a birth.)

Marsha Watkins, CNM, ARNP