Call Schedule
PGY–1 Night Float
Each PGY-1 will do three two-week blocks of night float throughout the year. The night float shift is from 7:45pm-9am Sunday through Friday (six days). The PGY-1 on night float has no daytime responsibilities (other than to go home and sleep)! While on night float, responsibilities include doing admissions to the hospital, caring for patients on our inpatient services (Medicine and Family Medicine) who require attention overnight, and responding to any codes in the hospital. Backup is provided by a Senior Resident who is on site and by our Family Medicine and Internal Medicine faculty by telephone.
PGY–2 and PGY–3 Night Float
Senior residents have a night float system that includes three one week blocks for the entire year. Night float weeks are from 7:45pm-9am, Sunday through Friday (six days). Both second- and third-year residents are considered seniors; thus, either a PGY-2 or PGY-3 resident is in-house with the night float PGY-1 for call. While on call, senior resident responsibilities include assisting with hospital admissions, answering phone calls from patients at home, caring for any of our OB patients who present to the hospital overnight, and responding to any codes in the hospital.
Weekend Calls
During the weekend, there are three 12-hour call shifts. There is one PGY-1 resident and one PGY-2 or PGY-3 resident on during each shift. The AM shifts are similar to that of inpatient medicine and the PM shifts are similar to that of night float.
PGY-1 Coverage
PGY-1 weekend coverage is divided equally amongst the class and is randomly assigned to any PGY-1 not on Night Float or In-Patient Pediatrics. Weekend call shifts average two per month. If there is a special event or if a weekend off is needed, residents are happy to swap shifts with other residents.
PGY-2 and PGY-3 Coverage
Senior coverage is divided equally amongst the PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents, so they tend to have about half as many calls compared to their first year of residency. Calls are randomly assigned to any Senior not on Night Float or the Turley Medicine Service. If there is a special event or if a weekend off is needed, residents are happy to swap shifts with other residents.