-- Health experts from St. Anthony’s Hospital invite the community to attend an upcoming health seminars in March focusing on hearth health, knee pain, nutrition and memory disorders, acid reflux and weight loss surgery. Memory screenings also will be offered twice in March. The monthly seminars and screenings are free to the public unless otherwise noted and held at various St. Anthony’s and BayCare facilities.
Weight Loss Surgery Information
Thursday, March 1
St. Anthony’s Hospital LifeHelp Center, Suite 120, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Thursday, March 17
5:30 p.m.
St. Anthony’s Hospital Auditorium, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Tuesday, March 22
5:30 p.m.
St. Anthony’s Hospital Auditorium, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Take the first step to weight loss surgery and attend an information session. George Rossidis, MD, will explain various options.
Heart-Healthy Screening
Wednesday, March 2
8 a.m.-2 p.m.
BayCare Outpatient Center (Carillon), Conference Room A/B, 900 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg
The screening will include blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI) and cholesterol, as well as assess your risk for diabetes.* A nutrition specialist will be on hand to answer questions and offer tips that can lead to healthier lifestyle choices. Pre-registration is required by calling toll-free
* If the assessment suggests your risk is high, an A1c test will be offered.
Memory Screenings
Tuesday, March 8 and March 22
10 a.m.-noon
St. Anthony’s Hospital, Main Lobby, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Take the first step toward the discovery of memory problems for adults concerned about their memory health. Call
(727) 825-1595 for information.
Weight Loss Surgery Information
Tuesday, March 8
5:30 p.m.
St. Anthony’s Hospital Auditorium (Ground Floor), 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Take the first step to weight loss surgery and attend an information session. Kevin Huguet, MD, will explain various options.
Nutrition and Memory Disorders
Wednesday, March 9
3 p.m.
St. Anthony’s Memory Disorders Center (Suite 206) in the Professional Office Building , 1201 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg
Diane West, a registered dietitian/nutritionist in the St. Anthony’s LifeHelp Nutrition and Diabeters Center, will explore important factors for caregivers regarding the diets of their loved ones with memory disorders.
Solutions for Aching Knees
Thursday, March 10
St. Anthony’s Hospital Auditorium, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
David Braun, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, will discuss the best treatment options for relief of knee pain.
Identify and Treat Acid Reflux
Wednesday, March 16
St. Anthony’s Hospital Auditorium, 1200 Seventh Ave. N, St. Petersburg
George Rossidis, MD, a surgeon, will share the signs and symptoms of gastoesophageal reflux disese (GERD), which should be treated early to avoid long-term complications.
Mental Health First Aid for Youth
Friday, March 18
Fee – $80
BayCare Outpatient Center (Carillon), Conference Room A/B, 900 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg
This course is geared toward those in health care and those lay professionals who do not have specialized experience in the mental health field like teachers, faith community leaders and the community at large. Participants will learn to interact with youths in crisis and how to connect them to help. The course will cover common emotional disorders and mental health first aid.
To pre-register for these health seminars and screenings, please call
(727) 953-6993, or visit:
About St. Anthony’s Hospital
St. Anthony’s Hospital is a 393-bed hospital founded in 1931 as a ministry of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany and was the first faith-based hospital in Pinellas County. For more information on St. Anthony’s, call
(727) 953-6993.
About BayCare Health System
BayCare is a leading not-for-profit health care system that connects individuals and families to a wide range of services at 14 hospitals and hundreds of other convenient locations throughout the Tampa Bay and central Florida regions. Inpatient and outpatient services include acute care, primary care, imaging, laboratory, behavioral health, home care, and wellness. Our mission is to improve the health of all we serve through community-owned, health care services that set the standard for high-quality, compassionate care.