For the second year, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital is teaming up with Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) to provide health and injury prevention information to coaches, PE teachers and program facilitators throughout the district.
During a professional study day held at Jefferson High School Aug. 13 for more than 400 attendees from HCPS’s athletic department, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital physicians, physical therapists and safety experts discussed topics such as concussions, head injuries, dehydration and asthma triggers.
St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital also continues its sponsorship of HCPS’s elementary school running club program.
“We are proud to be a part of this important initiative, which encourages the development of healthy habits at an early age,” said Kimberly Guy, president of St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital.
Providing fitness opportunities, like a running club, is a great example of the proactive approach needed to combat obesity and other health-related problems. In addition to the many health benefits that come with being active and fit, research also suggests that consistent physical activity can increase brain function, concentration, attention span and self-esteem.
For many of the students and families, the running club provides a starting point on their quest to leading a healthier lifestyle.
Media Contact: Amy Gall
Office: (813) 870-4731