Treatment Techniques


Bioness® Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) technology helps patients regain leg or hand function following stroke, Multiple Sclerosis or other central nervous system disorders.  It offers the following options:

  • NESS H200 Hand Rehabilitation System - an advanced therapy that uses mild electrical stimulation to improve arm and hand mobility
  • NESS L300 Foot Drop System - an advanced therapy that uses mild electrical stimulation to lift your foot and help you walk more safely and easily


The SaeboFlex® is a custom-made, orthopedic device that supports or corrects the function of a limb or the torso.  It helps improves overall arm strength, range of motion, motor control and reduces spasticity. This allows individuals suffering from neurological impairments, such as stroke, the ability to use their hand in therapy and at home by supporting the weakened wrist, hand and fingers.


The SaeboStretch® is a revolutionary new dynamic hand splint that helps to prevent joint damage while improving range of motion.


VitalStim®, one of the most current advances in stroke treatment, uses electrotherapy to retrain the muscles in the throat. This helps stroke patients learn to swallow and has been shown to work much faster, and with more positive results, than traditional treatment.


Lymphedema Program

Lymphedema is a chronic condition where some part of the body, usually an arm or a leg, becomes swollen due to a buildup of lymphatic fluid. Lymphedema can be controlled with the right care and treatment, including lifestyle changes, general precautions, home care techniques and Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT). CDT is a four-part process that focuses on manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, exercise therapy and skin care.


For more information about our outpatient rehab services and programs, call (727) 841-4655.