
From pregnancy, labor, and childbirth, to newborn care, breastfeeding and toddler tips, Morton Plant Hospital offers a comprehensive selection of educational courses designed to address you and your family’s wide range of needs and concerns:

Big Brother/Big Sister

A child-friendly class for siblings ages 3 to 9 to help prepare them to take pride in their new role as a brother or sister. (One 1½-hour class)

Birth Center Tours

A tour of the Morton Plant Hospital birth center will help you and your loved ones feel comfortable during your upcoming delivery. A knowledgeable team member will lead you on a tour of our labor and birth suites, mother-baby unit and other important areas. Your guide will also outline your future hospital stay, from admission to discharge, and answer questions.

Childbirth Preparation

This popular series helps expectant moms and their partners become more confident, informed, active participants in childbirth. We highly recommend that you register before your fifth month. Choose from a variety of options to fit your schedule:

  • Two 2½-hour classes
  • One 4-hour weekend class
  • Online course with 2 ½-hour Birth Shop

Infant/Child CPR

Certified instructors teach lifesaving CPR techniques (One 3-hour class)

Newborn Care

This interactive class covers all aspects of infant care including infant nutrition, diapering, bathing safety, signs of illness and newborn characteristics. You will also learn about infant cues, states and communication. The fee covers the expectant mother and a support person. (One 2½ -hour class)

Learn About Breastfeeding

This class provides the expectant mom and her support person with current, evidence-based recommendations for nursing newborns. Learn about latching and positioning, the benefits of immediate skin-to-skin contact, newborn hunger signs, tips for returning to work, breastfeeding lifestyles and when to call a health care provider or lactation consultant for help.

Water Birth

Hear about the history, current trends, benefits and contraindications of warm-water immersion for labor and/or birth as well as the physical process and preparation. (One 2-hour class)

All classes require advance registration and payment. Classes fill up quickly, so register early. To register, call (727) 462-7500 or search for a class or event.