BayCare Hospital Procedures
BayCare Pre-Admissions
At BayCare, our pre-admissions team will help you prepare for your procedure including gathering medical history, medication lists and any tests needed prior to your procedure date. For our patient’s convenience, most of this information is now collected through our patient portal from the comfort of your home. During this process, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team.BayCare Pre-Admissions Contact Numbers
Pasco County
Morton Plant North Bay Hospital (727) 841-4675
Polk County
Bartow Regional Medical Center (863) 519-1576
Winter Haven Hospital (863) 292-4170
Winter Haven Women’s Hospital (863) 294-7022 - Labor and Delivery only
Pinellas County
Mease Countryside Hospital (727) 725-6273
Mease Dunedin Hospital (727) 725-6273
Morton Plant Hospital (727) 462-3465
St. Anthony’s Hospital (727) 820-7789
Hillsborough County
South Florida Baptist Hospital (813) 757-1288
St. Joseph’s Hospital (813) 870-4035
St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital - For pediatric procedures, our team will be in contact 5-7 days prior to your scheduled date. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact your physician’s office.
St. Joseph’s Hospital-North (813) 443-7610
St. Joseph’s Hospital-South (813) 302-8225
St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital (813) 872-2905