Newborn Care After Discharge
Going home with a newborn can be an exciting and stressful time. BayCare offers a wide variety of online handouts that can make taking your newborn home easier.
Newborn Feeding Educational Handouts
New Moms Choosing to Breastfeed:
- Nutrition for Breastfeeding Mothers Brochure
- Breastfeeding Diary
- Tips for Flying with Breast Milk
- Breast Engorgement
- Abundant Milk Supply and Fast Letdown
- Safe Use of Medications While Breastfeeding
New Mom’s Choosing to Formula Feed:
New Mom’s Choosing to Supplement:
- Deciding How to Feed Your Baby
- Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant
- Triple Feeding Handout
- Triple Feeding Log
NICU Educational Handouts
Folletos Educativos de Alimentación para Recién Nacidos
Nuevas Mamás que Eligen Amamantar:
- Nutrición para Madres Lactantes
- Registro de Lactancia
- Diez Consejos para Viajar en Avión con Leche Materna
- Congestión de Seno
- Suministro Abundante de Leche y Secreción Rápida
- Uso Seguro de Medicamentos Durante la Lactancia
Nuevas Mamás que Eligen la Alimentación con Fórmula
Nuevas Mamás que Eligen Suplementar
- Decida Cómo Alimentar a Su Bebé
- Lactancia del Bebé Prematuro Tardío
- La Alimentación Triple
- Registro de Alimentación Triple
Folletos educativos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales
Newborn Classes
Breastfeeding Resources
BayCare Breastfeeding Support
Find additional breastfeeding information by BayCare, including helplines, podcasts, classes and more.
La Leche League International - Breastfeeding Support and Information - La Leche League International offers support, encouragement, information on breastfeeding, and even the opportunity to contact a leader in your local area.
KellyMom - Parenting & Breastfeeding - Provides information on a wide variety of breastfeeding topics.
KellyMom - The Basics of Breast Massage and Hand Expression (video) - The basics of breast massage and hand expression: video by Maya Bolman, IBCLC and Ann Witt, MD, FABM, IBCLC
Global Health Media - How to Express Your First Milk (video) - As a new mother, you may need to learn how to remove your milk and give it to your baby. This video shows you how to express colostrum, your first milk.
Stanford Medicine - Hand Expression of Breastmilk (video) - Dr. Jane Morton demonstrates how easily hand expression can be taught in this Stanford University video on "Hand Expressing Breast Milk."
Stanford Medicine - Maximizing Milk Production with Hands-On Pumping (video) - This video demonstrates some ways that pumping mothers can increase production without medication.
Mothers Milk Bank of FloridaMothers' Milk Bank of Florida - Our mission to provide safe human donor milk for babies in need.
Office on Women's Health - Breastfeeding - A good source on many women’s health topics, including the "Your Guide to Breastfeeding" publication.
Breastfeeding After Reduction (BFAR) Information and Support - Offers “Breastfeeding After Reduction” information and support.
Human Milk Banking Association of North America - HMBANA believes in a world where all infants have access to human milk through support of breastfeeding and use of pasteurized donor human milk.
Infant Risk Center at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Questions about OTC or prescription medications while pregnant or nursing? Call the experts at the Infant Risk Center: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm CT (806) 352-2519.