About BayCare Behavioral Health

When you or a family member needs care, you can trust BayCare Behavioral Health to be there for you. BayCare Behavioral Health's scope of services and individualized treatment programs allow a person's needs to be met at the most appropriate level of care, emphasizing a recovery approach. Our programs comply with all Department of Children and Families, local, state and federal requirements. BayCare Behavioral Health is accredited by CARF-Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Exceptional customer service is the only acceptable standard at BayCare Behavioral Health. To ensure this standard, all employees complete quality training prior to beginning their duties. Our quality improvement process provides ongoing direction to employees for improving programs and services that impact the individuals we serve and their families.

If you are in a crisis situation and need immediate help, please call 988.

Mental Health Services

Whether an individual is experiencing mild depression or a severe, persistent mental illness, help is available at BayCare Behavioral Health.

Mental health treatment programs include:

  • Inpatient Services
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Infant Mental Health
  • Psychiatric Evaluation
  • Medication Management
  • Group Counseling
  • Individual, Family and Marital Counseling
  • Case Management
  • Supported Employment and Living
  • Intensive Outpatient

Specialized programs and treatment are available for children and adults. Each program is staffed by professionals trained in the unique treatment needs of that particular group. Both families and individuals participate in treatment. Family counseling, parenting classes, and consultation with schools and other agencies are available.


Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP)

BayCare Behavioral Health's Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP) is a secure residential program for youth between the ages of 11-18, who require more intensive treatment, structure, and supervision than can be offered in an outpatient or community-based residential setting. Caring and trained professionals provide 24-hour nursing, psychiatric and counseling services.

Acute Care Services

Acute care services are provided by the Adult Crisis Stabilization Unit and the Children's Crisis Stabilization Unit. BayCare Behavioral Health offers programs that provide a safe, healing environment for medically stable persons. These include psychiatric services through a physician and/or advanced registered nurse practitioner; psychoeducational groups, family therapy, skills training and discharge/aftercare planning.

Substance Use Services

At BayCare Behavioral Health, our goal is to assist people with physical and emotional addictions while helping them return to productive lives.

We offer:

  • Detoxification
  • Case Management
  • Intervention
  • Aftercare
  • Individual Counseling
  • Prevention
  • Outreach
  • Residential Care for Adults

Additional services:

  • Hospital Consultation and Behavioral Health Overlay
  • Community Education
  • HIV/AIDS Education, Counseling
  • Pharmacy
  • Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Student Assistance Program
  • Veteran and Family Support Services

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)

BayCare Behavioral Health has been designated as a CCBHC in Pasco County, offering comprehensive mental health and substance use services. With 24/7 crisis support, care coordination and a range of outpatient programs, BayCare provides accessible and integrated care for individuals seeking help. This integrated approach bridges the gap between inpatient and outpatient care and reduces readmissions by providing continuous support throughout the recovery journey. BayCare Behavioral Health accepts most commercial insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare. No one will be denied services based on inability to pay, and a sliding fee discount is available for those meeting eligibility requirements.

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