Patients admitted to Morton Plant Rehabilitation Center should be 18 years of age and older with medical necessity for inpatient rehabilitation such as the need for physical, occupation and/or speech therapies, IV antibiotics including blood transfusions, nutritional needs including percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube, respiratory therapy such as oxygen or a tracheostomy, or complex wound management.
Patients will require supervision of a physician to manage medical conditions.
Patients should have realistic expectations for functional improvement.
Patients must have the potential of participating in at least 1-2 hours of therapy per day, 5 days per week. Therapy may also be prescribed for 7 days a week as needed.
Medicare does require a 3-day inpatient hospital stay prior to admission.
For patients with insurance/Medicare replacements: There must be a documented skilled need such as skilled nursing therapy, or IV antibiotics/IV medication.
Discharge Criteria
The Case Management team will work with you to design a discharge plan that will support your needs in the community. For example, home with family, home with Home Health Care, and help with securing equipment for in your home as needed.
When patients reach their goals and/or are at a high enough level of independence, their interdisciplinary team, patient/family member, and insurer will decide when the maximal benefit from the rehabilitation program has been reached and arrive at a discharge date. You must be able to complete your daily activities safely independently or with assistance from your support system.