On-site Health Services
We bring support to your organization's well-being initiatives:
- Innovative services to meet your company's needs
- Health information tables, displays and exhibits giving appealing, visual information from clinical experts throughout the health system
Personal Health and Fitness
There are many great benefits to dedicating a few hours a week to your health and fitness. Instituting programs that make it easier for your employees to make time for fitness not only shows you care about their health and happiness, but it can improve your work environment and your team’s productivity.
- Individualized on-site continual support for your employees to make and sustain healthy lifestyles and behavioral changes
- We help designing jobs, tools, equipment and environment to prevent injuries, to ensure comfort and improve effectiveness
Flu Shots
BayCare Wellness Services provide on-site flu shots for your employees,
- Our highly trained registered nurses administer the shots in a safe and effective manner, getting your employees back to work in a timely fashion.
- Our staff is prepared to answer any questions or concerns that your employees may have before and after providing the shot to ensure they are comfortable with the vaccination procedure.
- We provide the quadrivalent flu vaccine which provides a broader range of coverage than the trivalent vaccine.
If you're interested in our flu shot program for your employees or a larger, customized corporate wellness plan, contact (844) 420-8364 to set up a free consultation.