What Men Should Know About Prostate Cancer

A group of male friends are tailgating before a football game.September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, which puts a spotlight on the most common non-skin cancer among men in the United States. Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men, according to the American Cancer Society, and many prostate cancer risk factors can’t be controlled, including age, family history and being African American.

Visit your doctor if you experience any of these urinary symptoms:

  • Difficulty urinating or pain when urinating
  • Blood in your urine or semen

The American Cancer Society emphasizes the importance of talking with your doctor about the risks, uncertainties and potential benefits of prostate cancer screening before you decide to be tested. In addition, the organization offers the following suggestions on how you might reduce your risk of prostate cancer:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Be physically active
  3. Eat at least 2½ cups of fruits and vegetables every day

BayCare provides a variety of cancer services throughout Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg and all of Tampa Bay. Call (855) 314-8346 for a physician referral or find a doctor near you